Photos about emigration (the photos can be enlarged by right-clicking „Show graphic“ or similar, the sources for the photos are listed in brackets at the end).
Passport for the „son of the house“ Johann Heinrich Heinen from 1904 for his departure to the USA. (Scott Wieding)Another postcard from Heinrich Willers (Karl B. Oltmanns).Certificate of expatriation from the “Oldenburg citizenship” for Heinrich Willers, translation: Grand Ducal Oldenburg State Ministry Department of the Interior. The undersigned Grand Ducal Oldenburg Ministry of State hereby certifies that Johann Heinrich Willers of Hollwege, born there on May 9, 1875, has been released from his Oldenburg citizenship at his request and for the purpose of his emigration to Nebraska in North America. This deed of release causes the loss of Oldenburg citizenship for the person expressly named therein as of the time of delivery, but it becomes ineffective if the person released does not transfer his residence outside the federal territory within six months of the day of delivery of the deed of release, or acquires citizenship in another federal state (:§ 18 of the Law on the Acquisition and Loss of Federal Citizenship and Citizenship of June 1, 1870 L.G.Bl.S.355:) Oldenburg, January 26, 1892. Grand Ducal Oldenburg State Ministry, Department of the Interior. I.A. [on behalf of; signature] (Jeff Willers)